Katukoriksen OSM-kisat

4.9.2024 – 4.9.2024


Call for entries

Street basketball Student Finnish Championship will be played at the Otanlahti basketball court in Rauma on 4.9.2024 from 14:00 onwards. 

Gather a team of 3-5 people and come to enjoy the day in a good mood and prepared for the weather.
Please register your team no later than 3.9.2024 at 15:00 on the event kide.app page! (https://kide.app/events/9dcfcaf2-f336-47ad-a59d-2f69a1f49af8)

Please note that the event is completely alcohol-free for all game participants. OLL members are covered by accident insurance, the insurance will expire if the injured person has any alcohol in their blood.

This is how you register:
1. Get a team of 3-5 people together, games are played 3 vs 3, 10 minutegames.
2. Choose a contact person from your team to sign up your team via Kide.app.
All team members will need their full name and contact information for the contact person.
3. Tournament rules can be found in the event invitation.
4. Ready! Now lets get training for the Finnish Student Championships.


1. The game
The game is played by two teams, each with three players on the court at any one time. The game is played according to the official basketball rules, with the exceptions mentioned in these rules.
2. Playing field
The size of the court is approximately half the size of a normal basketball court. The end and sidelines shall be marked in the manner best suited to the conditions. The court shall also be marked with a starting point/line and a free-throw line and a threepoint shooting line.
3. Officials
There will be no referee, but the scoring will be done by a so-called scorekeeper.
The players judge the match themselves, with the striker judging the defender's fouls and infringements and the defender judging the strikers. No free throws are awarded for the players own judgement, but play is restarted from the kick-off point in accordance with point 7, Fouls and infringements.
4. Players
A team may have between three and five players, three of whom may be on the court at any one time.
5. Length of the game
Game time is 10 minutes, at the end of which the team with the most points wins. Teams are entitled to a 30-second time-out. The game lasts until the other team exceeds the 21-point limit or the game time runs out.
6. Game rules
The starting team will be drawn. The game starts with a pass from the starting team from the starting point (behind the free-throw arc, approx. 6.5 m from the hoop). Attack time is unlimited. When the defending team gains possession of the ball, they must carry it behind the three-point line to start their attack. The attacking turn changes after each accepted basket. Play resumes when the defending team
passes the ball to the player of the attacking team at the starting point. In contested ball situations, the defending team is always given the start. A basket scores one point, a basket from behind the three-point line scores two points. Substitutions may be made freely during any stoppage of play.
7. Fouls and violations
The three-second rule does not apply. For fouls (personal fouls by players), violations (e.g. step foul, double move), and when the ball is out of bounds, the opponent of the team that committed the foul is awarded the starting point. The match referee may intervene on his own initiative if necessary. He may award an unsportsmanlike or technical foul, resulting in a free throw for the offending team and then a kick-off for the same team from the kick-off spot.

The student restaurant we recommend in Rauma:
Fregatti, Satamakatu 26, 26100 Rauma

Harassment contact persons:
Kaapo Kalliomäki (kaapo.kalliomaki@sammakko.fi)
Helena Matinheimo (helena.matinheimo@sammakko.fi)

For more information about the event please contact SAMMAKKO head of sport
events: kaapo.kalliomaki@sammakko.fi